Filters ======= It is often desirable to create reusable queries that can be used to extract particular subsets of data without repeating large sections of code. Models allow this by providing a method called ``filter`` which can be chained in queries alongside the existing ORM query API. The filter method takes the name of a **public static** method on the current Model subclass as an argument. The supplied method will be called at the point in the chain where ``filter`` is called, and will be passed the ``ORM`` object as the first parameter. It should return the ORM object after calling one or more query methods on it. The method chain can then be continued if necessary. It is easiest to illustrate this with an example. Imagine an application in which users can be assigned a role, which controls their access to certain pieces of functionality. In this situation, you may often wish to retrieve a list of users with the role ‘admin’. To do this, add a static method called (for example) ``admins`` to your Model class: .. code-block:: php where('role', 'admin'); } } You can then use this filter in your queries: .. code-block:: php filter('admins')->find_many(); You can also chain it with other methods as normal: .. code-block:: php filter('admins') ->where_lt('age', 18) ->find_many(); Filters with arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also pass arguments to custom filters. Any additional arguments passed to the ``filter`` method (after the name of the filter to apply) will be passed through to your custom filter as additional arguments (after the ORM instance). For example, let’s say you wish to generalise your role filter (see above) to allow you to retrieve users with any role. You can pass the role name to the filter as an argument: .. code-block:: php where('role', $role); } } $admin_users = Model::factory('User')->filter('has_role', 'admin')->find_many(); $guest_users = Model::factory('User')->filter('has_role', 'guest')->find_many(); These examples may seem simple (``filter('has_role', 'admin')`` could just as easily be achieved using ``where('role', 'admin')``), but remember that filters can contain arbitrarily complex code - adding ``raw_where`` clauses or even complete ``raw_query`` calls to perform joins, etc. Filters provide a powerful mechanism to hide complexity in your model’s query API.